Top 10 Teaching Tips

Top 10 Teaching Tips

Every great teacher, whether you are teaching English or Trigonometry, wants to be the best in how they share their knowledge with students.


Definitely there is a number of techniques that teachers have been using for generations. One of the all-time best is: stick and carrot, and everyone knows it 😉


The Sutton Trust has published a report that reviews the research into effective teaching. They found out that popular practices, such as lavishing praise on students or allowing them to discover key things for themselves, actually have no grounding in research.


As a result, while trying to understand this topic, and find out the best techniques, I remembered a course I was taking in my undergrad about education and its practices.


And here presented to you is: The Top 10 Teaching Tips


  1. Begin with the end in mind… the end of the year, the end of the unit of study, the end of the lesson. How do I want my learners to be different as a resilt of the time they spend with me?


  1. Make the use of 10:2 Theory & Wait Time as much a part of my professional practice as brushing my teeth is of my personal life.


  1. Help Students access & use prior knowledge at the beginning of each new unit of study! Don’t ever skip this step!


  1. Use a wide range of strategies to allow students to process & summarize their leaning both inside and outside of class; facilitate their analysis of what works best for their own learning.


  1. Help students develop strong self-assessment habits that include analysis of effort and errors followed by self-adjustment.


  1. Use the research on differences in learners. Some of them are: learning styles, multiple intelligence, modality preferences, etc. And use them as a check and balance system on your instructional decisions.


  1. Make learning active! Be sure that the students are the workers, not the spectators watching me work!


  1. Be thoughtful about the levels/ kinds of thinking required in standards and assessments. Use questions and assignments which mirror those levels.


  1. Make the classroom environment as much like life beyond the classroom as possible. Double check my perceptions about that world.


  1. Always remember: Kids are people and deserve to be treated accordingly. Focus on learning rather than on compliance and control.


Certainly this list could go on forever! However, it is best to concentrate on the most important things first. Try not to spread out your efforts too wide. Try to master these steps one-by-one, and you will be the best at what you do!

Therefore, I will definitely write a follow-up series of short articles explaining each Tip in more details during the course of several months. So be sure to be subscribed to our blog, not to miss out on some really exclusive topics we will have!

Thank you!


DoItYourself (DIY)

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